Advocacy in Action! Health Advocacy Day

The students and teachers picked Thursday, March 9th as the date for their "Advocacy in Action" Day -- an opportunity to showcase their work for the entire school and community. I was looking forward to this day for weeks, but the life of a resident physician is not always fun and games: as luck would have it, for this week I was assigned night float duty for the Obstetrics/Gynecology service at the hospital. 

So after a 13-hour shift of delivering babies and ruling out active labor, I had just enough time to swap my scrubs for a shirt & tie before hurrying over to the high schools to start the day's work.

The students at Valley View had completed their campus projects in full and were now looking for ways to expand to the community. Their teacher, Coach Jacobsen, has been our strongest supporter of the advocacy work since Day 1, and his students' work reflects that. They are eager to take their change to the next level!

At Canyon Springs, the students were giddy with nerves and excitement about the Advocacy In Action Day. They were already getting set up when I arrived, and their project displays were just wonderful. We had turn out from community organizations, news media, and school administration. It could not have gone better! My energy level went from sluggish to full-steam-ahead after seeing the students' enthusiasm for their work. It was so worth the long hours to see these young advocates assume their roles as agents of change in their community.

Check out the website for more photos from the day!